Invisalign® in Carlisle, MA

Carlisle Dental Associates provides Invisalign services in Carlisle, MA. Call 978-369-7967 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Metal braces were the top choice for straightening teeth for centuries, and they remain popular today. Now, however, an increasing number of people are choosing Invisalign instead. Billed as “the clear alternative to braces,” Invisalign uses smooth, clear, medical grade aligners to correct the same issues as braces, without the drawbacks.

Invisalign is not right for everyone, but it is one more tool we excel in using. With Invisalign, function and esthetics go hand and hand. Using Invisalign we can:

  • Optimize our patients’ dental health by creating an ideal occlusion (the way the teeth come together)
  • Optimize the mastication (chewing) system through this proper occlusion, as relaxed muscles lead to healthy joints.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign’s comfortable aligners are custom-made, removable, and nearly invisible. You will wear each set for approximately two weeks, or as directed, and change them at home. Most people with Invisalign see the dentist just once every four to six weeks.

3-D Modeling

Invisalign starts with 3-D digital modeling of your smile. We will then morph the model to show you exactly what you can expect at every stage of treatment, including the results.

Aesthetics and Comfort

While we don’t always like to admit it, first impressions make a difference. Many people are uncomfortable about having pictures taken, meeting with clients, or interviewing for a job with a mouthful of metal. Invisalign is virtually invisible, so one needs to know that you are straightening your teeth.

Braces can also be uncomfortable. Adjustments may be painful, and the wires and metal brackets can poke and scratch. Invisalign aligners have no rough edges to scratch your mouth, and are designed to gently shift your teeth in a pain-free way.

Daily Life

Metal braces are controlled by your dentist. He or she places them, adjusts them, and ultimately removes them. You must make an emergency visit if a wire pops or you experience any other issue. You will not be able to eat certain foods such as popcorn or sticky candy, and you will need to learn a whole new oral hygiene routine.

Invisalign puts you in control. Your dentist will place attachments on your teeth, teach you to put in the aligners, and monitor your progress. The rest is up to you. Whether you want to eat a handful of sunflower seeds or brush your teeth like you always have, you can simply pop out your aligner and then put it back in when you finish. Every two weeks or as instructed, you will take out the old aligner and put in the next one in the series.


When comparing the price of Invisalign to the price of braces, be sure to factor in all the costs. Colored metal and other upgrades can raise the cost of braces. Adjustments and emergency dentist visits can add up. Invisalign uses transparent pricing with the cost of dentist visits included.

Some dental insurance plans cover Invisalign, while others do not. Ask our office staff for assistance in determining coverage and what your out of pocket costs will be.

Call 978-369-7967 to schedule your appointment.